Tuesday, August 23, 2011

14 weeks!

Along with more energy, my 2nd trimester has had plenty of upsides already. My appetite is back (with a vengance) and I no longer need daily naps. I was a little worried at first, because I was starting to feel SO great, that I was starting to wonder if I was still pregnant! Rest assured, we heard our baby's heartbeat (for the first time, yippie!!!), at our last appointment which was really special! I wanted to ask the doctor is we could listen to the thumping for a little longer, but we had plenty of other things to talk about. According to google, in just 3 short weeks we will be able to hear our lil nugget's heartbeat with a stethoscope! I'm looking forward to friend's and family being able to share that special feeling with us. And being able to satisfy my worry-wart self with daily heartbeat checks haha

Another great thing about this week is that I feel like I am finally starting to show! I have been measuring my belly and it has grown a full 5 inches from my original size. Maybe I didn't notice it because I see myself everyday, but that is a big change! I definitely feel my body changing more and more as time goes on. For instance, the top of my abdomen feels really tight and stuffed full of organs because my uterus is getting bigger and shoving everything up and out of the way. The only downside to getting bigger is more heartburn. Lets just say I have a heavy supply of Tums with me at all times now...

Since about 6 weeks along, I have been taking periodic polaroid pictures to document how big I get, and the different stages of my pregnancy. It will be exciting to show our baby once he/she old enough how I looked while I was pregnant.

Also, our doctor let us know that we will be able to find out the gender of our nugget around the end of next month! This entire time I have said that I didn't care what we had, but now that things are becoming more real to me, I think I am definitely leaning towards wanting a boy. I have always envisioned Bobby teaching our kids how to ride a bike, and fish and shoot a slingshot. Definitely boy activities. We'll see how it goes!

Today's playlist:
I Follow Rivers - Lykke Li
Good Woman - Cat Power
Soft Shock - Yeah Yeah Yahs

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