Tuesday, January 17, 2012

35 Weeks!

Yesterday I hit my 35 week mark. I can't believe how incredibly fast this pregnancy has flown by! On one hand, I am completely ready to be back to my normal self again, and on the other hand, I know I'm going to miss having my little bubbas so close to me 24/7. Its going to be a huge change to not be able to protect him, hold him, and know exactly what he's up to every second of the day. I can't even remember what my body looked like before I got pregnant. Seeing pictures of my (kinda) flat stomach makes me a little sad. I love the way I look, but I don't really like the way I feel. Things have progressively become more and more uncomfortable as time goes by, and I am genuinely curious how I am ever going to make it past the next 5 weeks. Back pain is a daily visitor, heartburn seems to never go away, stretch marks seem to multiply overnight and any remnant of feeling pretty or sexy in any way are long-gone.

But... To say that I'm so excited to finally meet this little person who has been taking over my mind, thoughts, life and house for the past 8 months, is a total understatement. I want him here in my arms already. I can hardly wait. I think because the nursery is completely done and we don't have many lingering projects or items to buy, I am starting to nest in a different way. Last weekend, especially because of the start of the New Year, I got it into my head that the backyard needed to be re-done and beautified. So I waddled my way over to Green Thumb, and with the help of my genius husband, got our drip irrigation system hooked up correctly, and planted some rosemary, lavendar, thyme and peppermint in a once-lonely and empty spot in the backyard. I also started clearing out some of the dead leaves and rocks and spiderwebs leftover from fall and winter from the corners of the yard, and began prepping those areas to plant bulbs and morning glories that I've started in peat pots. Our backyard also had a large patch of dirt ready for a vegetable garden, so I figure once I've done everything else, I can start on that too.

I don't know how much time or energy I'll have for gardening once our little guy is here, but I figure I will be more likely to take him out into the yard and give him a healthy dose of sunshine, if my backyard is pretty. And basically, since we have a drip irrigation system that just needed to be connected in a few spots and needed a few more misters/sprinklers, I don't have to worry about daily care. My plants wont die if I forget to water for a few days. Everything is on a timer, which is really nice. And it has been really nice to work on a project that isn't baby related for once. I think Bobby has enjoyed figuring everything out and helping me along the way. Its really soothing to just be outside in the sunshine, not thinking, talking, or really doing anything except enjoying nature. I want to try and garden more often, it feels so great.

Other than that, we have just been enjoying the nice weather, and counting down the days until our little guy is here, and until we are both off of work! I only have 16 working days left, and if Gunner decides to come on time, Bobby only has 18 days left. Its going to be such a relief to not have to worry about being anywhere else but home, with each other!

This week, our little chunky is 18.25 inches long, 5.25 lbs and the size of a honeydew!

34 days to go!

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